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The Guinea Pig Arcade &
Crazy Cavy Fun House
home of the one and only

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Scottish Country Dancing
Guinea Pigs !

Above: The Red Thistle Scottish Dancers - Scottish Country Dancing
What do Guinea Pigs have to do with Scottish Dance?
Believe it or not, guinea pigs have even inspired their own Scottish Country Dance. Scottish Country Dance, Scotland's traditional ballroom dance form, is enjoyed throughout the world.
"The Savage Cavy," a 32 bar reel for four couples, was devised by Jamie Tanner, in honor of the guinea pigs of a particular Scottish Country dancing friend who may have something to do with this website.
Most notable in this dance are special figures mimicking some rodent-like "dance moves" which will be very recognizable to guinea pig owners, particularly:
The "double triangles" figure for guinea pig "popcorning"
The "lefts and rights" figure (rather than the traditional "rights and lefts"), guinea pigs favoring neither side
And of course, there is the "down the middle and back" figure, which is the guinea pig equivalent of scurrying one way, then changing his/her piggy mind and scurrying in reverse
See below for the actual guinea pigs who inspired this dance along with their special dance description!
If you can hardly believe there is a Scottish Dance for guinea pigs, you will be more surprised to know that guinea pigs have their own Scottish tartan (plaid) in the beautiful warm tones of their fur colour spectrum!
And if you're an Outlander fan, Jacobite sympathizer, or appreciate a man (or rodent) in a kilt, Click here to learn more!

Here are the guinea pigs that inspired this dance in front of the crib sheets. They are clearly stunned by the honor. Left to right are Penelope, Samantha, Charlotte, and Hazel.
Here is the devisor's backyard miniature "whistle-stop" train station with waiting guinea pigs at "Fretwell Falls" a miniature railroad village!
Here is the Dance Description

What does Scottish Country Dancing look like, you may ask?
It's great fun and you don't have to be of Scottish extraction to learn. Find a local dance group or class near you. There are branches all over the world!
See if you can identify the "double triangles" figure at 0:32 that reminds some of guinea pig popcorning moves!

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